Monday, March 9, 2015

I Really Hate Working Out!

But I do it anyways. Sometimes as often as 6 days per week. I had to quit for a while from Dec 10-Jan5. I wiped out on my Vespa on some gravel/sand in a parking lot and tore up my left heel and calf. I lost some ground with the weights but I have been back in the groove since early January. I am still on Doctors orders not to do the leg press due to an inflamed bone spur but it is getting better so hopefully by summer I will add that back. Since today was lower body day I will just do this--Here is where I was in October of last year:

Leg extensions: 3 sets/50lbs/12 reps
Leg curl: 3sets/50lbs/12 reps
Adductor/inner thigh: 3 sets/60lbs/15 reps
Abductor/outer thigh: 3 sets/60lbs/15 reps
Leg press: 5 sets/180lbs/200lbs/220lbs/240lbs/260lbs/12reps
15 mins at level 4 on stationary bike
15 mins at level 4 on elliptical

 Here is where I am now:

Leg extensions: 3 sets/50lbs/12 reps [same]
Leg curl: 3sets/40lbs/12 reps [down 10lbs]
Adductor/inner thigh: 3 sets/100lbs/15 reps [up 40lbs]
Abductor/outer thigh: 3 sets/110lbs/15 reps [up 50lbs]
Leg press: NONE--Dr's orders
15 mins at level 4-6 on stationary bike [able to go up 2 more levels for periods of time]
15 mins at level 4-6 on elliptical [able to go up 2 more levels for periods of time]

 Eating low carb about 90% of the time.  Planning to increase that as of this week.

Did a visual comparison of me now vs. me about 1-1.5yrs ago.

My scale has slowed down but my body is changing and my doctor tells me my health is steadily improving. And in the end, I think that's what matters the most, good health and a body transformed.

And......after looking at that photo, maybe I don't hate working out as much as I did a little bit ago when I was leaving the gym.

 As an afterthought, just wanted to post this here again because I am making it this weekend for a get-together with friends that are all bringing pizzas. One of my friends is diabetic and this is very diabetic friendly as well as low carb.

Fabulous Low Carb Pizza