Saturday, August 23, 2014

Me First, and that's OK!

Has it been 6 days since my last post? Well I guess it has!

Here is my progress:


So far this week I have done a Zumba class, an Easy Does It class, 2 lower body weight workouts, 2 upper body weight workouts and I have walked 10 miles.


Not been as on point as I need to be but I am overall eating much better than I was in June and even July.

School has started back so the house has been a bit more empty with the boy driving himself plus working and band practices. The BabyGirl is working 2 jobs and pretty scarce too. This has given me a lot of time to re-prioritize myself and put me where I need to be on my list, which is at job one.

As moms and wives I think we get so busy taking care of everything and everyone else we lose sight of the more important fact: If we don't take care of ourselves then there is no one to take care of all the people and things we are so busy taking care of.

So this week was the first week of me first. My health, dietary needs and even down time, first. Everyone else has reached a place of self sufficiency enough that they can manage for the most part. My husband has been telling me this for a long time and it's time I listened.

So here's to good health, loving life, and Me First!

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