Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Better Sore Than Sorry

Saw a meme on Facebook today that has preached at me ever since I left the gym.

I am SORE. I mean, legs shaking, not-sure-if-I-can-ride-my-scooter-home sore. I worked my legs HARD yesterday and getting back on the bike and elliptical was a challenge today. I was really leaning towards, "Sorry, not today!" but I just did it anyway and took it a little slower. Same level of hard, just not as fast. My upper body workout went pretty good and I pushed myself past the normal comfort zone there too. Not feeling it like the legs, though. I may be singing a different tune tomorrow but I want to encourage you in saying this: If you think you don't have time, make some time. If you think you don't have the energy then do it anyway and do it slower, or at lower weights or whatever. My gym has a marquee that sometimes says, "You will only regret the workout you didn't do, not the one you did do." Or something like that. I didn't FEEL like it, I was sore, tired, and a bit sleep deprived. I did it anyways and I feel like crap but I moved forward rather than standing still. If this 46yr old, obese, bad-footed woman can do it, you can too. Be encouraged!

I'm listing my gym stats below like yesterday, and also what I'm eating today that I know of for sure.

Breakfast: 3 eggs scrambled with 1 slice of cheese/ 4 strips of bacon
Lunch: not sure
Dinner: Hot wings with celery, jalapeno poppers

Vitamins, yes, exercise, yes.

Weight: still at 21lbs lost of the 30lbs for my first goal 

Today's food:

My Hot Wings Recipe

My recipe for jalapeno poppers

Gym stats:

 Chest press 3 sets/12 reps/50lbs

Vertical traction 3 sets/12 reps/ 60/70/70

Pec deck  3 sets/12 reps/ 40/60/60

Seated row 3 sets/12 reps/ level 8

Shoulder press  3 sets/12 reps/ level 6

Biceps curl 3 sets/12 reps/ level 6

Triceps press 3 sets/12 reps/ level 9 

Ab crunch 3 sets/15 reps/ level 10

 Elliptical: 15 min. @ level 4

Stationary Bike: 15 min. @ level 4/ 2.96 miles

It's a good day! Hope you have a good day, too!

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