Friday, August 15, 2014

The PrayFit Prayer

If you're reading this and you're a Christian you might be interested in this prayer that my dear friend Pam posted this morning. 

It is from a FB page for the PrayFit movement/book. The slogan is this:  Life is not about the body but our health is a means of praise.

Here is a link to their website and what they're about.

I haven't bought the book yet but I have been following their twitter and FB page for a long time. I find their words to be both inspiring and encouraging. 

Here is the prayer:

"Lord, please bless my workout. As I train my arms, let it remind me that I’m held tightly in Yours. As I work my legs, let it be only to follow you more closely. When I work my chest, may it be safely under a breastplate of righteousness. And when I hit my back, I’ll recall that I’ll never be attacked by surprise. And finally Lord, allow my beating heart to grow stronger, knowing that’s exactly where You live. Yes Lord, please bless my workout. I’m a temple, here to worship.
In Jesus’ name, I train, Amen."

Here is a link to their FB page:

And their Twitter:

Let me know if you have read the book yet and if so what you thought! All comments are welcome!

"In order to excel, you must be completely dedicated." - Willie Mays


  1. Yes this is something I will use in prayer. Glory to God. It is seeking His face in our praise as we offer our bodies as a living sacrifice to Him. Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit and we honor our Father in training. Glory to God. Thanks you for this post. Much love in Jesus...

    1. You're welcome~ Make sure you look them up on the web and FB! TONS of inspiring stuff!
